Climate-Friendly Buildings Initiative Underway: Romina 

News Desk 

Islamabad: Romina Khurshid Alam, the Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, stated on Thursday that her ministry is taking significant steps to combat plastic pollution and is collaborating with provincial governments to introduce climate-friendly buildings to enhance urban landscapes.

In an interview with PTV news, she emphasized that promoting green and sustainable building practices within the country’s housing and construction sector will encourage sustainable living and moderate energy and natural resource consumption.

She highlighted that the current government is leading the charge in promoting sustainable construction practices through various policies and regulations.

When asked about green building codes, Alam mentioned that the ministry aims to increase tree cover and improve air quality. The construction of green buildings will support achieving certain benefits aligned with sustainable development goals.

Addressing the heatwave issue, she noted that the prime minister has already established committees in collaboration with provincial governments, involving NDMA and experts to discuss solutions and advance urban forestation efforts.

Alam reaffirmed the government’s commitment to overcoming the challenge of growing plastic pollution, engaging all relevant stakeholders to make Pakistan a plastic-free country.

She acknowledged that plastic pollution is a significant cause of environmental degradation, posing a daunting challenge due to the widespread use of plastic goods. 

To address this, the Climate Change Ministry has launched awareness drives in schools under the theme “My Water My Bottle” to reduce plastic bottle usage.

Additionally, Alam mentioned the ministry’s new newsletter on their website, which highlights the department’s overall performance and details upcoming and ongoing projects.

She also stated that the government is implementing a zero-tolerance policy against timber mafias and forest fire incidents, ensuring that no one will be permitted to cut even a single tree in the future.

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