Child Rights Activist Imran Takkar Nominated for Award

News Desk 

Peshawar: Imran Takkar, based in Peshawar, is a dedicated advocate for child rights in Pakistan and has been nominated for the prestigious “Hamaray Hero Award” in the category of Child Rights Activist.

He has spent over two decades tirelessly raising awareness and capacity on child rights across the nation. Takkar holds significant roles in various organizations related to child protection and welfare.

Takkar serves as a key member of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Commission’s technical working group.

He contributes to the Provincial Advisory Committee for the National Commission on Human Rights and is a member of the parole committee for the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

One of Takkar’s notable achievements is his pivotal role in establishing eight child courts, with support from Group Development Pakistan, KP judiciary, and the KP government.

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Moreover, he is the founder of the KP Child Rights Movement (CRM) and actively participates in the End Violence Against Women and Girls (EWAG) alliance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

For more than 20 years, Imran Takkar has dedicated himself to advocating for child rights independently and through various civil society organizations and networks at the national level. He has worked tirelessly to bring about policy changes, raise awareness, and enhance the capacity of those responsible for upholding child rights and protection.

His remarkable efforts have not gone unnoticed, as Imran Takkar has been nominated for the prestigious “Hamaray Hero Award” in recognition of his outstanding contributions. Sponsored by HBL PSL Season 9 powered by Kingdom Valley, this award celebrates individuals who have made significant impacts in their respective fields.

Expressing his gratitude, Imran Takkar remarked, “Being shortlisted for the “Hamaray Hero Award” as a Child Rights Activist is a great honor. This acknowledgment reflects the collaborative endeavors of all those dedicated to promoting and safeguarding children’s rights in Pakistan.”

Imran Takkar was recently honored at the Lahore Qalandars vs Karachi Kings match, where he received the “Hamaray Hero Award” during the award distribution ceremony held in Karachi on March 9, 2024.

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