CDA Enlists 500 Personnel for Margalla Hills Fire Vigilance

News Desk

Islamabad: The Environment Wing of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has recruited 500 employees to serve as watchdogs and manual fire control operators in the Margalla Hills of Islamabad, revealed Deputy Commissioner (DC) Irfan Nawaz Memon on Tuesday.

Recent fire incidents in the area have spurred prompt action from the district administration, according to an ICT Administration spokesperson.

“Our aim is to maintain vigilant surveillance to prevent potential fire outbreaks,” stated the DC, highlighting the importance of these individuals in manually extinguishing fires due to the challenges of accessing the mountainous terrain with firefighting equipment.

The DC confirmed the apprehension of three suspects believed to be responsible for some of the fires. Additionally, a primary suspect was detained by the joint efforts of the district administration and the CDA’s environment wing.

Nawaz also interacted with residents of nearby villages, conducting meetings and delivering announcements in mosques to solicit their cooperation. “We have reminded them that these forests are a collective responsibility to protect,” he emphasized, urging the community to report any suspicious activities.

The DC underscored the difficulty of extinguishing fires on pine leaves, acknowledging the strenuous efforts of rescuers and firefighters. “I have witnessed the situation firsthand.

It’s a challenging endeavor,” he remarked, commending the dedication of the forest fire response team. Nawaz highlighted the natural propensity for fires due to the heat and dry foliage.

The collaborative efforts of the district administration and the community are pivotal in addressing fire incidents and safeguarding the Margalla Hills.

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