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Bridging Pakistan’s Gender Divide

Shazia Mehboob Islamabad: In the bustling streets of Rawalpindi, a young lady named Iraj dreams of a brighter future. Her vision is clear—she wants to launch an online platform that connects women in rural areas to education and job…

Inclusive Politics for Empowerment

Samreen K. Ghauri Hyderabad: Women's political participation in Pakistan has evolved over time, driven by national policies, international commitments, and grassroots activism. Yet, for Indigenous, tribal, and shadow-cast women the most…

The Pyrrhic Victory of Hope

Saleem Raza Bradford: As the echoes of 25 years of suffering under the deposed Bashar al-Assad in Syriareverberate, Saleem Raza’s poignant poem The Pyrrhic Victory of Hope becomes a mirror reflecting the cost of misplaced alliances and…