Calculated Gamble

Ishtiaq Ahmed

The arrest of Imran Khan would be indicative of the political paralysis plaguing our nation. This would be another ugly turn towards civil disorder which the country can ill afford at anytime but more particularly in the present political and economic crisis.

The ineptness of the incumbent government of PDM is already apparent. The standoff between PDM and IK PTI, essentially between Shehbaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz, has gone beyond political differences to personal enmity, intensifying day by day.

The imposition of section 144 in Lahore to stop the PTI rally to start its election campaign. This is the second time in less than a week that the interim government has imposed the restriction ahead of the election rally of the party. These actions clearly show the fear within PDM ranks regarding the sustained and growing popularity of Imran Khan despite attempts to legally shackle him and discredit him.

Such actions at best can be described as foolhardy and at worst draconian, pushing the country closer to widespread civil unrest which the country can ill afford.

The standoff between the caretaker government and Imran Khan PTI is taking the country towards a political abyss from which there may be no return.

While the political hostilities between the warring factions are intensifying, the public is being crushed by the spiraling costs of everyday household items, a crippled economy and unemployment. No one seems to care, not even those at the helm of the nation’s fortunes.

We hope for the political sense to prevail because if it doesn’t then a bloody draw out of internal unrest is feared.

Given the present political impasse and to rescue the country from an inevitable civil war, the country’s principal institutions must play their due role given that the politicians have failed miserably to find an amicable way forward.

Already, the damage to the country’s reputation in international circles is severely dented. If the road to democracy is allowed to be circumvented for personal interests, the return to it would be very difficult if not impossible.

The way forward out of the current political paralysis is elections and not the arrest and imprisonment of Imran Khan. Let us pray in hope that common sense will prevail.

The author is a British citizen of Pakistani origin with a keen interest in Pakistani and international affairs.

  1. Nasim Qureshi says

    Well said Ishtiaq Sahib. This is terribly wrong time for army to grow democratic values, especially after 75 years. They need to play the role of honest brokers so that citizens can elect government of their choice.

  2. Sheikh Mazher says

    The Army need to put the interest of the Pakistani people first. Sadly though many in positions of power have a buy price that foreign politicians are acutely aware of. Imran Khan has seen the world and this means he can not be easily bought. The idea of an independent head of state is terrifying to the western hegemony.

  3. Ishtiaq Ahmed says

    PDM despite putting up brave faces, are only too aware of their gross failures on almost all aspects even allowances are made for international pressures. The IK issue in some respects being played out to distract and divert public attention. Unfortunately, for them the public is not buying into PDM rhetoric.

    PDM leadership is also only too aware of the growing popularity of IK and genuinely fear humiliation at the ballot box. Their every move Is backfiring, taushakhana is one example.

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