‘Bridge of Dreams’: China’s Engineering Marvel Let Cars Drive On Water


News Desk

Shiziguan: The floating bridge in Shiziguan, China known as the “Bridge of Dreams” is an astonishing feat of engineering that allows cars weighing up to 2.8 tonnes to cross the surface of the Qingjiang River.

This 400-meter-long bridge is built on a modern and innovative concept. Located in the Enshi Prefecture of Hubei Province, Central China, the bridge is nestled among forest-covered mountains.

Shiziguan is one of China’s most scenic and naturally attractive destinations. This floating bridge offers drivers a unique experience of driving directly on the water’s surface while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Built using German technology to prevent vehicles from overturning, the bridge has been operational for both vehicles and pedestrians since 2016. The bridge’s stability is ensured by high-density polyethylene containers filled with water, which float on the river’s surface. However, drivers must adhere to a speed limit of 20 km/hour, during which they may feel a slight ripple of the river’s water beneath their vehicle.

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