Black Hole Outshines Sun by 500 Trillion Times: Report

News Desk

Islamabad: US scientists have recently discovered a quasar that shines 500 trillion times brighter than the Sun, marking it as potentially the brightest and most powerful phenomenon in the universe.

Dubbed J0529-4351, this extraordinary black hole resides within the central hub of a galaxy, known as the Galactic Nucleus.

Quasars represent the intensely luminous cores of active galaxies, characterized by their emission of extraordinarily high levels of energy.

These cosmic entities harbor supermassive black holes, which possess masses millions or even billions of times greater than that of the Sun. These black holes voraciously consume vast quantities of matter, fueling the immense energy output of quasars.

Initially reported by a team of scientists from the Australian National University near a town in New South Wales, Australia, the discovery of this quasar was later confirmed by the European Southern Observatory, as reported by BBC.

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