Bangladesh Capital’s Noise Pollution Out of Control: Experts



Dhaka: Noise pollution in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is reaching alarming levels and severely impacting the daily lives of its residents, according to a recent study.

Increasing traffic, unnecessary honking, rampant use of loudspeakers, and other sources of high-decibel noise are disrupting normalcy in the city.

Despite existing laws, there is a notable lack of effective enforcement, as reported by United News of Bangladesh (UNB) on Monday.

Experts have highlighted that public awareness of the dangers of noise pollution remains low.

The Center for Atmospheric Pollution Studies (CAPS) at Stamford University in Bangladesh conducted a year-long study from April 2021 to March 2022, examining noise levels at ten locations in Dhaka.

The research revealed that noise exceeded acceptable limits in all surveyed areas. Specifically, noise levels exceeded standard thresholds 96.7 percent of the time in quiet zones, 91.2 percent in residential areas, 83.2 percent in mixed-use areas, 61 percent in commercial areas, and 18.2 percent in industrial areas.

CAPS’s findings underscored the pervasive nature of noise pollution in Dhaka, with 82 percent of all monitored locations consistently exceeding 60 decibels.

Despite the Noise Pollution Control Rules 2006, which set permissible noise levels at 45 decibels at night and 55 during the day for residential areas, and 60 decibels at night and 70 during the day for commercial areas, enforcement remains a significant challenge.

Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder, a professor in Stamford University’s Environmental Science Department, stated, “Unnecessary honking, loudspeakers, and construction noise are making daily life unbearable.

This issue is not just about physical health; it also affects mental well-being and even hampers urban plant reproduction and crop yields.” Majumder added that controlling rampant horn usage alone could reduce Dhaka’s noise pollution by 60 percent. However, poor law enforcement in this regard hinders progress

 “We have laws, but their implementation is almost non-existent. For instance, the Noise Pollution Control Rules 2006 mandate quiet zones around schools, hospitals, and mosques, but these are rarely enforced.”

Health professionals are raising alarms about the long-term impacts of noise pollution. Professor Abul Bashar Mohammad Khurshid Alam, director general of the Directorate General of Health Services, explained, “Noise levels in Dhaka are more than double the acceptable limits, leading to serious physical and mental health issues.

Beyond hearing loss, there is an increase in diabetes and heart complications. Pregnant women, children, and the elderly are particularly at risk. Exposure to noise levels of 120 decibels can cause immediate hearing damage, while consistent exposure to 85 decibels for two hours daily can gradually deteriorate hearing.”

Experts emphasized the need for long-term planning and stricter enforcement of existing laws.

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