Ban imposed on swimming in Khanpur dam, Spillway


The district administration Haripur has imposed a ban on swimming in Khanpur dam and its Spillway for three months.

The ban was imposed for the protection of precious human lives and restricted the people from taking baths, swimming and jumping in the Khanpur dam and spillway.

 According to the notification issued by the DC office on Saturday, it has been directed to the Haripur police to monitor Khanpur Dam and its spillway and make sure nobody is violating the ban and enforce it strictly.

This order shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force for a period of 60 days, the notification reads.

The deputy commissioner warned that any person contravening this order shall render himself liable to punishment under Section 188 PPC.

Locals have appreciated the ban on swimming in Khanpur dam and demanded to strictly enforce section 144 and punish the offender.

Despite a ban on swimming and bathing in Khanpur dam and its spillway every year dozens of people lose their lives during the months of June and July as there is no monitoring system or punishment for the violation of the ban. APP

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