Balochistan Police to Launch Women Safety App


Quetta: The Balochistan Ombudsperson for the Protection against Harassment of Women, Advocate Sabra Islam, said on Monday that Balochistan police has decided to launch the “Women Safety App,” in which the women ombudsman anti-harassment login port will also be included.

“To provide immediate legal aid to women in Balochistan, the police have decided to register liaisons and complaints through mobile applications under modern technology, and preliminary work has been completed in this regard,” Advocate Sabra said, referring to her meeting held with DIG IT Balochistan Police at CPO office.

Advocate Sabra noted that a port will also be provided for logging in so that the harassed women can contact and register complaints through this app.

Such registered complaints will also be dealt with without any delay, and police assistance will also be obtained in cases of interference. Sabra Islam, stressing the need for adopting technology further said that it is necessary to address the incidents of harassment through the cybercrime wing of FIA and Balochistan Ombudsperson.

In this regard, the FIA would also be approached to discourage the elements involved in the blackmailing of women and bring them to justice, trying them as per the existing laws.

She, however, opined that to end harassment, it is necessary to impose exemplary punishments on the accused involved in such incidents so that such crimes could effectively be discouraged.

Advocate Sabra further said that the Women Safety App introduced by the police in Balochistan would prove to be an extraordinary step towards the redressal of incidents against women.

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