Balochistan Govt Resolves University Salary Crisis, Ends 90-Day Sit-In


Quetta: Balochistan’s government has declared the disbursement of salaries for university staff, marking the conclusion of a 90-day sit-in protest by Balochistan University employees.

Provincial Education Minister Raheela Hameed Durrani attended the protest site on Tuesday, engaging in discussions with the demonstrators over the delayed salary payments.

Following the dialogue, she officially announced the resolution of the sit-in.

Expressing remorse over the necessity for the protest, Minister Durrani highlighted the significance of employees being able to rely on timely salary payments to sustain their livelihoods.

She assured the staff that salaries would be paid up to June, citing directives from Chief Minister Balochistan Sarfaraz Bugti.

Minister Durrani emphasized that it is undesirable for employees to resort to street protests to secure their wages, underscoring the importance of timely disbursements.

She expressed hope that future budget allocations would ensure sustained funding for university staff throughout the year.

Consequently, the university employees decided to end their 90-day protest.

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