Bahawalpur To Inoculate Over 0.8m Children


Bahawalpur: The five-day anti-polio campaign is starting on October 2 in the Bahawalpur district, where more than 0.8 million children up to five years old will be vaccinated against polio.

Bahawalpur Deputy Commissioner (DC) Zaheer Anwar Jappa inaugurated the anti-polio drive by vaccinating children at his office today and informed that the door-to-door campaign will continue from October 2-4 and the left-out children will be vaccinated under the catch-up activity on October 5 and 6.

Special teams have been formed for vaccinating children residing in remote areas of Cholistan, stated Anwar.

DC Jappa further informed that children would also be given vitamin-A capsules to improve their immunity.

Zaheer Anwar mentioned that 3276 mobile teams, 195 fixed teams, and 136 transit teams would work in the field during the campaign. And 132 Union Council Monitoring Officers and 667 Area Incharges would supervise the campaign.

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