When I Came to Pakistan

Ashleen Khan

When I Came to Pakistan: When I was about to go to Pakistan and we were in the Los Angeles Airport, I was excited and happy, and when we were on the plane, I was really looking forward to quickly finishing the journey on the plane. During the journey, my head started to hurt really bad, and the pilot had to make an announcement if there was a doctor on board.

There wasn’t a doctor, so they gave me a tablet and said I could eat half of it because it was only for adults. When we finished the flight, we went to the washroom, brushed our teeth, got fresh, and then went to the next flight, which was for four hours.

The connecting flight was really boring, but in the end, it was all worth it, and when we were at the airport, the police came to guide us, help us get through the checkout, and help us get our suitcases. Getting out of the airport, my aunt picked us up, and we reached our grandma’s house. Meeting The Cat Family: When I first met Hackle, Jackle, Google, Phonix, and Sher Khan, the cat family, I really liked them and they were adorable, but they were really scared to come close to me.

I loved them, as I had never seen kittens. The family had three kittens and two adults four with spots and Sher Khan with orange and white colour.
The One And Only Ivan: Ivan was a gorilla who was taken away from his family when he was only a small baby gorilla and he was in the animal show in the big top mall and by his cage there was an elephant named Stella and they always trained and Stella got really old and tired but one time the shopkeeper hurt Stella with a stick and Stella was really sad and tired and then one day some people brought a baby elephant named Ruby and ruby was really scared but Stella was there and was taking really good care of Ruby but then Stella got older and older and weaker and weaker and then she died and ruby was really sad and so was Ivan but then ruby and Ivan were there for about 2 more years and then some zookeepers came and said they’ll give a million dollars to get Ivan and Ruby and then Ivan and Ruby lived happily ever after.

Photo Credit: Asem Mustafa Awan

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