Anchor Ashfaque Satti Suspended Over Violence Against Wife

News Desk

Islamabad: A private news channel has taken the decision to suspend anchor Ashfaque Satti following allegations of violence against his second wife, Nomaika. The incident, related to a domestic matter, came to light as Nomaika shared pictures and videos on social media documenting the abuse she reportedly suffered.

Anchor Ashfaque Satti Suspended Over Violence Against WifeIn response to the public outcry and demands for accountability, the news channel management swiftly took action and officially suspended Ashfaque Satti. The channel issued a statement expressing their serious concern over the allegations of domestic violence, asserting a zero-tolerance policy for violence or threats within the workplace or domestic settings. The suspension will remain in effect until legal proceedings take their course and determine the outcome.

Nomaika, on her Facebook page, detailed the harrowing experience, disclosing severe injuries sustained during the alleged assault. She claimed to have been subjected to prolonged physical abuse, including being dragged, hit against walls, and choked by her husband. Additionally, she stated that her son was taken away, leaving her locked in a dark room without sustenance for days.

Despite her pleas for help, she asserted that she faced resistance from both her husband and law enforcement due to his media influence. Nomaika revealed that, after a challenging struggle, she managed to escape and subsequently filed a First Information Report (FIR) with the police.

Expressing the need for support and justice, she called on the public to rally behind her cause. Nomaika emphasized the importance of holding individuals accountable for such acts of brutality and urged others to join her in seeking justice through legal channels.

The case highlights the power dynamics at play and the challenges faced by victims in pursuing justice, especially when the accused holds influence in the media industry.

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