AMC Faces Financial Crisis Due To Scant Funds

News Desk

Abbottabad: The decreased budget of hospitals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has forced the Ayub Medical Complex (AMC) administration to operate on insufficient funds which has made it difficult for the hospital to provide quality health services, maintain essential medical equipment, and ensure the availability of necessary medicines.

Hospital spokesperson Malik Saif said that Ayub Teaching Hospital (ATH) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province is among the top healthcare facilities, providing medical treatment to people from Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and the entire Hazara region; however, due to a lack of funds, ATH is facing significant challenges.

Malik Saif stated that additional funding is needed to finish ongoing projects; if funds are not granted, it will get harder for the hospital management to give its patients the necessary medical assistance they need.

It was revealed that the hospital’s reduced budget has negative effects on the hospital’s employees in addition to its medical facilities. Due to a lack of resources, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work hard to give patients the services and facilities they want.

The government and other stakeholders must support ATH financially because it is the only large-scale hospital in the region that provides quality services to a large population.

The healthcare sector in KP is extremely concerned about the hospital’s financial situation. Therefore, it is crucial that the government give the hospital the funds it needs to help the population receive essential medical care during this tough time.

By working together, the hospital will be able to overcome its current obstacles and keep offering KP residents quality healthcare services.

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