A Tale of Neglect and Waste in Pakistan

Asem Mustafa Awan
Islamabad: The pair of trucks were once valuable assets, but now, due to incompetence and neglect, they are awaiting their final burial in a scrapyard.

This story epitomizes the rampant incompetence that plagues Pakistan, where public assets are wasted with impunity.

Delving into the situation, it is likely these trucks were donated or purchased with foreign grants. Once the funds were exhausted, their maintenance was deemed unnecessary.

Like thousands of other government vehicles, these trucks were neglected, their parts pilfered, and they now await their final fate in the scrapyard.

The current value of these trucks is in the millions, yet the indifference of government departments to such wastage is alarming. These departments, entrusted with public property, show a complete disregard for assets funded by taxpayers.

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Parts from these trucks have been systematically stolen and sold in the black market, with the culprits well-known within the offices yet protected by an indifferent system.

The decay in governance is evident across various sectors. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) reveals that over 70 Pakistani universities are without vice-chancellors.

Constant changes to the national curriculum hint at corruption, with millions siphoned off by those involved in printing and publishing educational materials.

The health sector, too, is marred by corruption. Spurious drugs flood the market, and any independent testing outside Pakistan would reveal the alarming extent of this malpractice, bringing shame to the country.

This systemic corruption extends to the food sector, where adulteration laws are rarely enforced, leading to stunted growth in children.

The water crisis compounds these issues. With 80 percent of the population consuming contaminated water, the nation of over 225 million is at risk.

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The only glimmer of hope lies in holding those responsible accountable and ensuring the trucks are repaired and put back on the road.

Accountability is the cornerstone of success for Pakistan, yet it remains elusive. True accountability must be enforced from the top down and the bottom up simultaneously. But who will take the initiative?

Corruption permeates every level, and only a renewed commitment to the principle of accountability can bring an end to this pervasive racket.

The government must prioritize accountability to restore integrity and efficiency in all sectors, ensuring public resources are protected and utilized for the nation’s benefit.

The writer is a journalist based in Islamabad and writes on a wide range of issues.

Photo Credit: File Image via Google. 

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