Eight-Day Workshop On Contemporary Security Issues Held

News Desk

Islamabad: The Air University Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies (FASS) convened an eight-day workshop to acclimatise participants on issues significantly impacting state and international security.

The workshop, conducted from July 17 to 26, offered participants opportunities to engage, network and discuss with national and international experts and subject specialists from the public and private sectors.

The sessions covered various thematic areas of contemporary security issues including climate security, US-India strategic partnership, politics of QUADS, rules-based international order, US-China competition, science diplomacy, geopolitics versus geoeconomics, water security, media and national security, role of missile technology, nuclear arms control, Pakistan foreign policy and strategic stability in South Asia.

During the workshop, the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) President Dr Adil Najam talked about climate security where he briefed the attendees on the facets of climate change that lead to insecurity.

Dr Adil emphasized that it is crucial to adopt the age of adaptation in order to deal with the threats from climate change since it has become a matter of survival.

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