Persistent Monsoon Rains Brought Flooding, Traffic Problems To Abbottabad

News Desk

Abbottabad: In the aftermath of the intense monsoon rains, flooding in the Abbottabad district’s rivers and streams has hampered traffic and caused difficult issues for locals in nearby places.

Flash floods and sections of the Karakoram Highway are becoming submerged as a result of persistent rain has restricted vehicle mobility and made life tough for the populace.

The situation has been worsened by illegal encroachments carried out by land mafias on natural water channels. Large portions of the streams have vanished due to land grabbing, while encroachments in other areas have significantly narrowed these waterways.

To restore the proper functioning of natural streams, the relevant authorities must give the important issue of water drainage immediate attention and take appropriate corrective action.

In order to facilitate the smooth flow of water and mitigate the negative consequences of future heavy rains, immediate work is required to remove encroachments and restore the original shape of these channels.

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