Experts Raise Alarms Over Unhygienic Cooking Practices

News Desk

Islamabad: Health experts have voiced serious concerns about the growing trend of using unhygienic and reused cooking oil in outdoor food establishments, highlighting significant public health risks.

They have called for immediate media intervention to raise awareness about the dangers of consuming food prepared with substandard oil.

Speaking to the state-run news channel, renowned specialist Dr Salma Asif stressed that the repeated use of cooking oil can lead to the formation of toxic compounds, which greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

“The reuse of cooking oil is not just a minor health concern—it can have profound implications for public health, including increasing the risk of heart disease,” she stated.

Dr Asif urged the media to take a proactive role in educating the public on the importance of healthy eating habits and the dangers associated with consuming food prepared using unhygienic oil.

“By raising awareness, the media can help reduce the demand for food cooked in substandard oil and encourage a culture of healthy eating,” she added.

The health specialist also called on food vendors and restaurants to prioritise food safety by switching to healthier oil options.

“Together, we can promote a culture of healthy eating and mitigate the risks associated with unhygienic cooking oil practices,” she mentioned.

Addressing a related issue, Dr. Asif highlighted the alarming increase in the consumption of fast and processed foods, which are often laden with unhealthy ingredients such as sodium, sugar, and saturated fats.

These components can significantly elevate the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke, she warned.

“The excessive sodium content in processed foods can lead to blood vessel damage, while high sugar levels contribute to obesity and inflammation,” Dr Asif explained.

She emphasised the need for consumers to be mindful of food labels and to choose whole, nutrient-dense foods over convenient but harmful processed options.

“These oils are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health,” she concluded.


To prevent heart disease, Dr Asif advised limiting the intake of processed and packaged foods. She also recommended using healthier oils, such as olive or avocado oil, for cooking and dressing salads.

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