NDMA Chief Calls For Localized Disaster Resilience

News Desk

Islamabad: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Chairman Inam Haider Malik has called for robust anticipatory actions and efficient post-disaster reconstruction using local materials and skills to enhance Pakistan’s resilience against disasters.

Speaking at a seminar, Lieutenant General Inam Haider on Friday emphasised the need for a country-specific, customised template for disaster-impacted sectors.

The NDMA organised a seminar on ‘Climate and Disaster Risk Financing’ at the National University of Technology (NUTECH) in Islamabad. The event brought together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from various sectors to strengthen Pakistan’s disaster resilience strategy.

General Inam highlighted the importance of collating global best practices to develop customised solutions for sectors impacted by national disasters, with a focus on risk mitigation. The seminar featured in-depth discussions on Pakistan’s risk financing profile in the face of climate-induced disasters and other emergencies.

The panel discussion focused on Pakistan’s financial preparedness for climate and disaster risks and ensuring all stakeholders are involved in disaster risk reduction and resilience as crucial components of sustainable development.

The seminar underscored the importance of transforming global stock-taking measures into executive actions, as adopted in previous COP events. It also highlighted Pakistan’s potential for regional leadership ahead of the upcoming COP29 conference in Azerbaijan in November 2024.

Additionally, the event focused on the development of knowledge products to enhance advocacy for mainstreaming climate and disaster risk finance and integrating these into national planning and development strategies.

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