Protests Erupt in Washington Ahead of Netanyahu’s Speech

News Desk

Washington: A large crowd gathered outside the US Capitol on Wednesday, chanting “Free Palestine,” “Stop bombing Gaza,” and “Netanyahu, you can’t hide,” to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit and to urge Congress to halt further funding for Israel’s conflict in Gaza.

Netanyahu was scheduled to address a joint session of Congress that afternoon. His invitation has sparked significant criticism from pro-Palestinian advocates, who are outraged by Israel’s ongoing invasion of Gaza, which health authorities in the enclave report has resulted in nearly 40,000 Palestinian deaths.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein addressed the demonstrators, who stretched for several blocks in front of the Capitol.

According to television footage, Stein condemned the invitation, calling Netanyahu a “criminal” and advocating for a cease-fire. “We will free Palestine together,” she declared, eliciting a roar of cheers and applause from the crowd.

The area around the Capitol was heavily patrolled by police officers from various agencies, with a helicopter monitoring the scene.

Protesters chanted, waved Palestinian flags, and displayed signs, many wearing red shirts and black-and-white keffiyehs, a symbol of Palestinian solidarity.

The rally was organized by the anti-war group ANSWER Coalition, in collaboration with several partner organizations. ANSWER arranged transportation for protesters from as far away as Illinois and Atlanta. They encouraged attendees to wear red to form a “red line” around the Capitol building.

Organizers reported that at least six nearby intersections were being “occupied” by protesters, with expectations for the number of demonstrators to rise as the day progressed.

The crowd cheered as speakers thanked Democratic lawmakers—whose numbers are yet unknown—who chose not to boycott Netanyahu’s speech.

Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon, speaking at the ANSWER rally, urged attendees to “reject the normalization of genocide.” She read off lists of casualties among healthcare workers, journalists, and UN staff, and vowed to amplify the voices of those suffering in Gaza. 

Sarandon, known for her outspoken stance against the Gaza conflict, was dropped from a Hollywood talent agency last year after speaking at a pro-Palestinian rally.

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