Tragic Landslide In Southern Ethiopia Leaves 229 Dead


Addis Ababa: The death toll from two landslides in southern Ethiopia has jumped to 229 and could rise further as the search for survivors and casualties continued into a second day, informed the local government.

Following heavy rain, a landslide buried people in Gofa zone in Southern Ethiopia regional state on Sunday night, then a second one engulfed others who had gathered to help on Monday morning. Teachers, health professionals, and agriculture experts involved in early rescue operations have also become victims of the landslide.

Gofa Zone Government Communication Affairs Department stated that the local community is working to save the injured and provide shelter and food to the victims.

The Ethiopian Red Cross Association and professionals from neighbouring regions are on-site to help the victims. Rescue operations are currently conducted manually. The local government has urged all Ethiopians to provide any necessary support for ongoing rescue efforts.

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