Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 


Islamabad: Haji Ehsan Ullah, a 28-year-old resident of Osho village near Kalam, has repurposed his guest house to accommodate the surge of adventure and mountain sports enthusiasts flocking to the picturesque Kalam valley from the hot plains of KP and Punjab provinces.

Drawing on his own experience of unemployment, Ehsan decided to open his doors to tourists, a decision inspired by his grandfather’s wisdom. Today, his guest house is bustling with activity, allowing him to support his household financially.

Ehsan notes that domestic tourists often prefer the affordability of small hotels and inns over the pricier options in Kalam, prompting many villagers to open up their own accommodations. Offering complimentary meals and water, Ehsan charges a modest rent of Rs1500 for a 24-hour stay.

One such visitor, Kaiser Khan, a retired Wapda employee from Wapda Town Peshawar, praises the warm hospitality of the locals. He finds the guest houses in Kalam to be more budget-friendly compared to hotels, encouraging more people to visit and indulge in activities like trout fishing and paragliding.

Despite the visible growth of local tourism in Swat in recent years, its full potential remains untapped due to various factors such as insufficient promotion, limited facilities, and past security concerns.Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 

With Pakistan’s tourism revenue being relatively low on the global scale, experts suggest that leveraging digital techniques and social media to showcase these hidden gems could lead to significant economic gains, potentially earning billions of dollars annually.

Discover Pakistan Now

Pakistan boasts six UNESCO heritage sites, the second-highest mountain peak globally, extensive coastlines, and rich cultural and religious heritage, making it a haven for both local and international tourists.

Its diverse landscapes, from enchanting deserts to snow-capped peaks, offer a range of adventurous activities. Archaeological wonders like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, along with Buddhist ruins and Mughal-era architecture, promise future tourism hotspots.

With numerous peaks over 8,000 meters, including K-2, and cultural diversity spanning Sindh, Punjab, KP, Balochistan, and Azad Kashmir, Pakistan’s tourism potential is vast.Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 

Muhammad Ali Syed, Manager of KP Tourism and Culture Authority, emphasizes the importance of leveraging digital tourism to showcase Pakistan’s beauty globally and creating a welcoming environment for visitors.

Despite its abundant potential, Pakistan’s contribution to the global tourism economy remains disproportionately low. Therefore, as international media forecasts a full recovery of the tourism industry in 2024, Pakistan must take proactive measures to secure its rightful share of the trillions of dollars generated by tourism.

According to UNWTO, there were an estimated 1286 million international tourists (overnight visitors) worldwide in 2023, marking a 34 percent increase over 2022 and reaching 88 percent  of pre-pandemic levels.

The Middle East spearheaded the recovery, surpassing pre-pandemic levels by 22 percent, followed by Europe at 94 percent , Africa at 96 percent , the Americas at 90 percent, and Asia-Pacific at 65 percent  by the beginning of 2023. 

With a strong rebound in 2023, the outlook for the sector, as indicated by the latest UNWTO Tourism Confidence Index survey, shows that 67 percent  of tourism professionals anticipate better or much better prospects for 2024 compared to 2023.

“Our share is woefully inadequate compared to the earnings of the international tourism industry. We only secure around a billion dollars out of this trillion-dollar economy,” commented Professor Dr Zilakat Malik, former Chairman of the Economics Department at Peshawar University.Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 

“This is unacceptable and necessitates a transformation in our approach, leveraging modern trends and utilizing the latest tools to showcase our potential.”

“I urge the new government to appoint digital professionals and experts to spearhead tourism promotion efforts and ensure that we harness our rightful share of the tourism economy,” he added.

In addition to the natural beauty of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan boasts ancient and religious sites in Sindh, Balochistan, and Punjab that have the potential to attract millions of foreign tourists.

Digital Tourism Drive

“Manzoorul Haq, a former ambassador, emphasized the transformative impact of scientific advancements and modern technology on global connectivity. He stressed the need to proactively showcase Pakistan’s incredible sites and archaeological wonders in the digital age.

He advocated for leveraging tools like GPS and artificial intelligence to swiftly disseminate information about Pakistan’s attractions. Haq proposed supporting v-loggers, bloggers, and social media groups to enhance visibility.

While acknowledging a 115 percent increase in foreign tourism to Pakistan in 2023, as reported by the then Caretaker Minister of State for Tourism, Wasi Shah, Haq pointed out that the earnings amounted to only US$ 1.3 billion.Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 

Despite a commendable recovery to pre-pandemic levels, according to the ‘World Tourism Barometer’ by the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations, Haq argued that this was just the beginning of a potential revolution in the sector.

He lamented that Pakistan, with its vast potential, earns far less from tourism compared to other nations. Haq emphasized the need for the right personnel, political will, and a modern approach to unlock Pakistan’s tourism potential.

He called for a multi-dimensional strategy, including the promotion of natural, religious, cultural, and adventure tourism, to generate foreign exchange and bolster the economy, especially in rural areas. Experts urged people to create and share small videos and photos on social media platforms to attract foreign tourists, which could lead to significant employment opportunities in Pakistan’s rural regions.”Osho Village Resident Turns Host to Thriving Tourist Influx in Kalam 

The feature report was released by APP, and it is reproduced by the Penpk.com. All information and facts provided are the sole responsibility of the organization.

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