Bride Flees with Valuables After Drugging Groom

News Desk 

Islamabad: In a shocking turn of events in Pakpattan district of Punjab province, a newlywed bride has been accused of robbing her own wedding.

According to a report from Dawn News, the incident unfolded just yesterday (Tuesday). Police statements reveal that the bride, identified as Saima Bibi, allegedly rendered the groom, Iqbal Hussain, unconscious by administering drugged milk.

Subsequently, Bibi purportedly fled the scene, absconding with valuables totaling 1.2 million rupee, including jewelry and cash.

The groom’s condition is reported as critical, prompting his immediate transfer to a nearby hospital for urgent medical attention.

The local police have taken action, registering a case against four individuals, including the bride herself.

This incident has sent shockwaves through the local community, raising questions about trust and security even in the sanctity of matrimonial celebrations.

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