Christmas Spirit in Mosque: Muslim Students Gift Christians

News Desk

Islamabad: In a remarkable effort aimed at fostering inter-faith harmony among diverse religions in Pakistan, a Christmas event was hosted within a mosque in Abbottabad.

During this event, Muslim students from a madrassa generously offered school bags and Christmas presents to Christian children.

Christmas Spirit in Mosque: Muslim Students Gift Christians

This heartfelt gathering was organised by the students of Madani Jamia Masjid and Madrasah Tartil-ul-Qur’an, receiving support from the Rahmat Lal Alamin Authority. As part of the ceremony, Muslim scholars and students greeted the arriving Christian children and their fathers with flowers, extending a warm welcome.

Christmas Spirit in Mosque: Muslim Students Gift Christians

During the event, Khurshid Ahmed Nadeem, Chairman of Rahmat Lal Alamin Authority, emphasized the shared values between Muslims and Christians. Imam Maulana Syed Akbar Ali Shah, a respected religious scholar, along with Christian leaders and various speakers, addressed the audience.

Christmas Spirit in Mosque: Muslim Students Gift Christians

Speakers highlighted the significant contributions and sacrifices made by individuals of diverse faiths, particularly Christians, since Pakistan’s inception, advocating for their inclusion in educational curricula.

Christian leaders expressed their appreciation for this unprecedented event held within a mosque in Pakistan, expressing encouragement and joy.

Christmas Spirit in Mosque: Muslim Students Gift Christians

The ceremony featured recitations from both the Quran and the Bible by Muslim and Christian children, commemorating the birth of Hazrat Eisa (AS). The children delivered speeches advocating for stronger Muslim-Christian relations. To conclude the event, Muslim children graciously served food to their Christian counterparts and presented them with school bags and Christmas gifts.

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