83-Year-Old Trailblazer Becomes Oldest Howard University Graduate

News Desk

Islamabad: An 83-year-old African American woman has achieved the distinction of becoming the oldest graduate of Howard University in Washington. She earned this honor upon receiving her doctoral degree in religious studies.

Prior to this achievement, Mary Flower had obtained a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees from Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary. Reflecting on her journey, she expressed initial doubts about her ability to graduate, having been out of school since 1959 and unsure if she could retain the information.

Despite her apprehensions, Flower completed her doctoral degree in just three years, surpassing her own expectations. She emphasized the message that it’s never too late for anything, highlighting the importance of perseverance and determination.

“I want everyone to understand that at 83 years old, if I can do it, why can’t you?” Mary Flower emphasized. She attributed the decisive factor in her education to her parents, who were born in a time when obtaining an education was illegal for them. 

“My father taught us to read and write,” she added, underscoring the enduring impact of her family’s legacy on her academic journey.

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