25 Bottled Water Brands in Pakistan Found Contaminated, Declared Unsafe

News Desk

Islamabad: The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) has declared 25 brands of bottled water unsafe for human consumption due to microbiological or chemical contamination.

The PCRWR collected 197 samples of mineral or bottled water brands from 20 cities in Pakistan during the third quarter of 2023 (July to September). A comparison of the test results with the bottled water quality standards of the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) revealed that 25 brands did not meet the standards and are therefore unsafe for human consumption.

The PCRWR has not released the names of the 25 brands that are found to be unsafe. However, the statement said that the PCRWR is working with the PSQCA and the relevant authorities to take action against the companies that produce these brands.

The PCRWR’s findings are a serious concern as bottled water is often seen as a safe alternative to tap water in Pakistan. However, this study shows that even bottled water can be contaminated and consumers should be careful about which brands they choose.

The PCRWR is urging consumers to be aware of the potential risks of drinking bottled water and to only drink water from brands that have been certified by the PSQCA.

Nineteen brands –Qudrat Water, Natural, Premium Safa Purified Water, Z Pure Drinking Water, Best Natural, Klear, Sona Water Life Pure Drinking Water, Pure and Healthy Alkaline Water, Aqua 100, Elstein, Aab-e-Haram, Khizer Pure Water, Fine, Barsay, Aab-e-Muskan, Aab-e-Hayat, Indus, Oslo, Fresh Smart Pure Water–are found to be unsafe due to the presence of higher levels of sodium.

Three brands –Khizer Pure Water, Fine, Indus–are found unsafe due to the presence of a higher level of TDS (total dissolved solids) than the permissible limit, while one brand –Imperial–is found unsafe due to the presence of a higher level of potassium than the permissible limit.

Similarly, eight brands –Ice Well, Clear, Best Natural, Imperial, Aab-e-Hayat, Pure Life, Aqua Gold, and Spring Pure Water– are found to be contaminated with bacteria.

The general public is encouraged to look at the detailed report to learn about the status of the water quality of the bottled water brands they consume. The detailed report is available on the PCRWR website, www.pcrwr.gov.pk.

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