Ancient Pearling City Discovered on Al-Siniya Island

News Desk

Islamabad: Recent archaeological findings on Al-Siniya Island, a popular tourist spot approximately 42 miles northeast of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, shed light on the early history of the area.

According to reports from Arab media, these discoveries unveil ancient settlements, including what appears to be an ancient pearl city.

Unearthed during excavations in March of the previous year, these settlements are believed to date back to the 4th century, making them around 1,600 years old.

Among the artifacts found are several large jars, believed to be imported from Mesopotamia, two of which bear Aramaic inscriptions dating from the 1st to the 4th century.

Researchers speculate that these ruins might be remnants of the lost city of Tuam, aligning with historical records.

The term “Pearling City” derives from the region’s long-standing tradition of pearl diving and marine resource exploitation, a practice integral to its cultural heritage for millennia.

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